Telling Your Story


Why Write Your Story?

There are so many reasons.  Here are just a few.

  • There is no one better than you to tell your story; it is worthy to share
  • Writing today is often more convenient—tell it to Much to Tell and make sharing it easy
  • To assess your accomplishments—or your failings, your joys and your sadness, as you wish
  • To present a great and lasting gift to those you love
  • To add flesh to your genealogical chart—yes, the names and dates are interesting, but the real joy is knowing something about the people you remember and your own life that you will provide in your life story
  • To connect past and future generations
  • Share learned wisdom.


Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is without cost or obligation. I will meet with you and any interested party you choose to discuss ways of documenting your story. In this meeting we will go over your vision, the ideas you already have for what you want; we will discuss the possible formats and how they differ. I will answer any questions you have and address any concerns about such things as privacy, copyright and ownership (you are and will remain the author and owner). I will provide a time and cost estimate. Within a week of this consultation I will present by mail or email a comprehensive proposal based on my understanding of what you want. You will read the proposal; ask any questions you have and make desired amendments. The contract will be based on the amended proposal.


About Cost

The cost for documenting life stories varies widely, depending on the complexity of the project and the desired product. Family members or a group may share the cost, making the project affordable and beneficial for everyone. The personal history project can be crafted to fit your budget.


The Decision

You have things to say about your walk in this life: the joys you have experienced, the pains, the lessons you have learned, your losses and gains, your loves, the people you have known and what they meant to you, your memories of childhood, the human progress you have witnessed and your hopes for the future. Your life has given you wisdom to share. You know that you have something valuable to contribute to history. Maybe you have been planning to write that book but just can’t seem to get around to it. Or you have written some yourself but just can’t get it organized. I can help.

Please contact me for a free consultation.
